Sluseholmen Wohnen Kopenhagen

Sluseholmen Wohnen Kopenhagen


Sluseholmen is a new part of Copenhagen that offers differentiated housing. Every House has it´s own facade and proximity to water. The canalhouses are build following Dutch inspiration as slim & tall flats, being in direct contact with the water at the canal.

Studio Force 4 Architects became the change to design and build several houses: 6 Canalhouse- and 5 Quayhouse  based on a common floorplan and slab-layout.


All projects are designed after a thorough analysis of daylight conditions.

Name: Sluseholmen Wohnen in Kopenhagen Hafen

Jahr: 2004-2006
Auftraggeber: Sjælsø Gruppen AS 2004 -2006

Architekten: Force4 Architects LPH 1-8, als Founding Partnerin Force4 Architects

Prizes: Sluseholmen won several architectural prizes; among others the Urban City Prize of Copenhagen Municipality
Fotos: Force4 Architects, Ib Henriksen

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