12. Konzept. Nachhaltig entwerfen


Nachhaltig entwerfen

Studio Master in Wintersemester 2018-19

We will make a conceptual architectural design for a Secondary School in Munich, which is focusing on collaboration and sustainability. How can architecture enable learning? How do the spaces function? What is their relation to each other and to the surroundings? And how are they constructed? 

Students are introduced to different perceptions and theoretical approaches to what context is – and they practice how to transform Context Analysis into Architecture. 

We will for instance make a study the United Nations Sustainable goals as an example of a relevant context that an architect of today also has to reflect on in her or his work.

Gastprofessur A view north - changing architectural practice 

Fakultät für Architektur Technische Universität München

illustration: courtesy United NationsNeuer Text

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